In recent times ANCAP, the Australian Safety Rating Authority has rated three vehicles at 3 stars or less.
International car manufacturing behemoth, Ford Motor Company, presented their Mustang for testing. ANCAP results gave it two stars as it did with Chinese made vehicle Great Wall Steed. Now ANCAP has announced that another Chinese built vehicle has scored three stars – LDV G10 van and more importantly people mover, the LDV People Mover.

Aren’t we getting the cart before the horse here? Surely the Australian Design Regulations should dictate that any vehicle offered for sale in Australia be rated at a minimum standard of four stars BEFORE it can go on sale.
Seems that the ADR’s (read more at ) aren’t keeping pace with the technology available around the world. Directly from their website:
“The Australian Design Rules (ADRs) are national standards for vehicle safety, anti-theft, and emissions. The ADRs are generally performance based and cover issues such as occupant protection, structures, lighting, noise, engine exhaust emissions, braking and a range of miscellaneous items.”
Here’s what James Goodwin from ANCAP had to say about this most recent ‘fail’ from LDV.
“This is a disappointing result for LDV and consumers with commercial buyers and families being let down in an important segment,” said ANCAP Chief Executive Officer, Mr James Goodwin.
“There were a number of serious concerns with the G10’s structural performance with the driver foot-well rupturing and excessive pedal movement. Steering column and dash components were also a potential source of knee injury for the driver and passenger.”
“The G10 also lacks important safety features such as head- and chest-protecting side airbags and seatbelt pre-tensioners which consumers today expect to be provided as standard – particularly in a vehicle which can carry up to nine passengers.”
“The safety standards of passenger and commercial vans remains well below those offered in other segments with 67 per cent of vans rated by ANCAP holding a rating of four stars or less so we urge all brands to ensure an emphasis on safety carries across all market segments,” Mr. Goodwin added.
Whether the Federal Government or State Governments are liable in this matter is mute. They all collectively need to step up and get this atrocious matter sorted.
Test before being available for sale, not after. Have your say by writing to your state or federal member. Who’s responsible for the injury and death on our roads from their dangerous vehicle?